Coworking for Freelancers in Germany

Coworking for Freelancers in Germany

Definition of coworking

Coworking is an arrangement in which workers for different companies share an office space. It allows cost savings and convenience through the use of common infrastructures, such as equipment, utilities and receptionist and custodial services, and in some cases refreshments and parcel acceptance services.[1] It is attractive to independent contractorsindependent scientistsremote workersdigital nomads, and people who travel frequently. Additionally, coworking helps workers avoid the feeling of social isolation they may experience while remote working or traveling[2] and eliminate distractions in home office. Most coworking spaces charge membership dues. Major companies that provide coworking space and serviced offices include WeWork and IWG plc” (​

Coworking is a modern way of working. It’s a place where people can rent a desk and work together. Coworking spaces are usually open during the day and can be found in cities, towns or rural areas. Such offices offer an alternative to working from home or in a standard office. They allow you to work alongside other freelancers, entrepreneurs and creatives who have similar interests and goals.

How to find coworking spaces in Germany?

There are many places in Germany that offer different types of agreements for renting desks or offices. You can find them through websites such as Deskwanted (in German), Fiverr and Upwork or by asking around on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

Benefits of coworking for freelancers in Germany

The article provides valuable insights into the growing trend of coworking spaces across the country. It’s great to see that these fully equipped and high-quality coworking offices are becoming more accessible to self-employed individuals, young entrepreneurs, and startup founders. As a freelancer, coworking can be a great way to save money on rent, meet new people and take advantage of other services offered by your Shared workspace.

And if you don’t have a lot of money to spend on rent and office supplies, coworking could be the perfect solution for you.

Here are some of the benefits:

1) Save money on rent: If you work from home, it can be expensive to pay for your own office space. When you join a Shared workspace, however, you’ll only have to pay for access to the facilities (usually between €20 and €30 per month). This is much cheaper than renting an office space out at the local business park or shopping center — especially if you don’t need any equipment other than a desk, chair and internet connection!

2) Make friends with like-minded people: Coworkers are usually interested in similar things as you are — so it’s easy to strike up conversations about projects and ideas with them during breaks or after hours. And when you find yourself stuck on something at work, there’s always someone else around who can help you out. You might even find yourself working on a project with another coworker!

3) Learn new skills: Coworkers are often experts in their field — and many will be happy to share their knowledge with you. This is a great way to pick up new skills, techniques and insights that can help you become more productive at work (and more valuable as an employee).

4) Access to shared office equipment. Coworking spaces typically have printers and photocopiers available for use by members. The space may also have scanners and fax machines available to members. Some Shared workspaces allow members to bring their own equipment, such as computers or printers.

5) Social networking opportunities. Coworking spaces provide an opportunity for freelancers to network with other professionals in the same field or industry. This helps freelancers find new clients, gain valuable business advice and potentially team up with other professionals on projects or start-ups.

6) A professional atmosphere. Coworking spaces often come with professional amenities such as Wi-Fi access, conference rooms and printing services so that freelancers can work efficiently without having to worry about these things themselves

Overview of coworking in Germany

Coworking is a new way of working. It’s a place to work, share and grow together – a community of like-minded people who want to be inspired by each other’s ideas.

In Germany, the coworking movement started slowly in 2011 and has gained momentum since then. There are over 200 coworking spaces in Germany today and more than 45 cities have their own coworking space.

Globally, there are more than 3 million people who work from Shared workspaces every day.

The first coworking space in Germany was opened in Berlin in 2009 by entrepreneur Thomas Griese (who later founded the Coworking Germany Association). But coworking didn’t really take off until 2012 when two more spaces were launched — one in Berlin and one in Munich. Since then, Shared workspaces have been popping up all over the country at an impressive rate of growth; there are now more than 100 coworking spaces across Europe’s largest economy alone.​

The Benefits of Coworking for Freelancers

Networking opportunities

Coworking spaces are becoming more and more popular among freelancers. Here are some of the benefits of coworking for freelancers:

  • Meetups and networking opportunities: Open offices are a great place to meet other freelancers, especially if you’re just starting out. Most coworking spaces have regular meetups with food and drinks where you can network with other freelancers. You also get the opportunity to network with people who can refer business to you or help you find new clients. Coworking provides you with the opportunity to meet other freelancers who are facing similar problems in their businesses as you are. You can learn from each other’s experiences and share information about clients, projects, and contracts that they have worked on.
  • Collaboration and support: Working from home can be isolating, but working at a coworking space adds an element of community that makes it easier for you to collaborate with others on projects, share ideas, and bounce around ideas with each other. This helps build your confidence as a freelancer since there’s always someone else around who knows what they’re doing, so they can help if something goes wrong or give advice on how to handle a certain situation. You also get feedback from them on your work as well as their own work which is beneficial because it gives you insight into what works when it comes to marketing yourself as a freelancer.

Coworkers often become friends, which means more opportunities for networking and finding new clients. Coworking spaces usually have regular events where members can mingle and meet others with similar interests, which will help them grow their client base through referrals and word-of-mouth marketing.

Improved productivity

Freelancers often struggle with getting their work done because they have no set schedule or deadlines. Working from home and not having any coworkers to rely on can make it hard to get things done when you’re working on your own schedule. Coworking provides accountability and support – both of which are essential for improving productivity.

Coworking offers many benefits that help improve productivity and increase energy level:

  • Focus: When you’re working from home or in a busy coffee shop, it’s easy for distractions to take over if you don’t have an office with doors or walls separating yourself from others in the space. Coworking spaces typically have fewer distractions than an open office environment because there are fewer people around who can distract you from what needs to be done for the day.
  • Collaboration: Coworking spaces allow freelancers from different industries to collaborate on projects and bounce ideas off each other when they’re stuck on a certain part of a project. This is especially beneficial for freelancers who don’t have the opportunity to interact with other people in their industry on a regular basis.
  • Increased energy level: Coworkers tend to be more energetic than people working from home because they are surrounded by other people who are active and engaged in their projects. This increased energy level can help you focus on what needs to be done for the day and get more done than if you were working from home alone.

Cost savings

Coworking spaces are not just for startups and other small businesses. They’re also a great place for freelancers to work, especially those who are starting out or looking to save money.

Here are some of the benefits of coworking:

  1. Lower costs of living/rents
  2. More affordable office space
  3. Better networking opportunities
  4. Access to shared resources such as printers and fax machines

For people who want an official office but are unable to commit to a long-term lease, coworking spaces can be an excellent option.

Coworking spaces offer many benefits to freelancers and small businesses. For one, the costs of leasing office space typically serve as a major source of overhead for these types of companies—but coworking spaces address this issue by renting shared work areas on month-to-month basis at rates that are much lower than typical real estate leases. This approach provides both logistical and financial benefits to clients.

Access to professional facilities and resources

Coworking offices are becoming increasingly popular in the freelancing world. The benefits of coworking include having access to professional facilities and resources, as well as being able to work alongside other freelancers.

Coworking can be a great way for freelancers to build their business and network with other professionals, but it can also provide a number of other benefits. Access to professional facilities and resources. Coworking spaces are designed to make freelancers feel at home, with a variety of amenities that make working remotely easier.

Here are some reasons why you should consider using coworking spaces:

  • Access to professional facilities and resources: Coworking spaces provide their members with access to professional facilities such as meeting rooms, kitchens and event spaces. This is especially beneficial for freelance workers that need somewhere quiet where they can focus on their work without distractions. Coworking spaces usually have everything you need to be productive – high-speed internet connection, printers, scanners, meeting rooms etc. Some even offer services like printing, scanning or faxing documents for free or at low cost so you don’t have to worry about those things when working from home.
  • Networking opportunities: Coworking spaces allow freelancers from different industries to network with one another. This is particularly useful when looking for new clients or potential collaborators on projects or ideas.
  • An opportunity to learn from others: Coworking spaces also give freelancers an opportunity to learn from other professionals who may have more experience than them in certain fields of work or business. Experienced workers can help by sharing their knowledge through mentoring sessions, workshops or talks at the office space (if the space offers this service).

Increased flexibility and work-life balance.

  • Increased flexibility and work-life balance: Coworking spaces are designed for people who want to work from home but still be around other people – and this can help you keep a healthy balance between your personal and professional lives. If you’re working from home every day, it can be easy to forget about going out or meeting friends. But when you go into a coworking space where there are other people around, you’re more likely to make time for socialising, too. This means that you’ll feel happier and healthier as well as more productive at work!
  • Community experience: While some people like working independently in an office without any interaction with others, many freelancers enjoy having an active community around them while they work. At coworking spaces, there’s always someone else around who’s interested in networking — either over lunch or after hours — so you don’t have to spend all day alone at your desk!​

Coworking Options in Germany

Overview of the different types of coworking spaces in Germany

There are a lot of coworking spaces in Germany, and many are suitable for entrepreneurs, freelancers, and remote workers.

Coworking spaces in Germany come into the main types:

  1. Co-working spaces. These are traditional coworking spaces that usually offer open desks or private offices for rent on a monthly or yearly basis. They usually have an open layout and provide shared amenities such as kitchen space and meeting rooms.
  2. Community coworking spaces. These types of coworking spaces are often run by volunteers who want to offer their spare time to help others and connect with the community around them. They tend to have fewer amenities than traditional coworking spaces but can be a great way to meet like-minded people and get involved in your local community.
  3. Social impact coworking spaces. These types of coworking spaces can range from non-profits focused on social change to corporate-backed initiatives designed to help employees connect with one another through volunteering opportunities at non-profits around town. Some of these communities also offer discounted office space as well as networking events throughout the week where members can get together over coffee or lunch to talk shop with other members of their community
  4. Corporate Coworking Spaces: These are places where companies rent office space but do not have any employees on site. This allows companies to save money on overhead costs while still having access to valuable resources such as high-speed internet, printers and meeting rooms.

Comparison of traditional office spaces and coworking spaces in Germany

Germany is a country with one of the highest rates of coworking spaces in the world. According to research by Deskmag, there are over 1,600 coworking spaces in Germany and they continue to grow.

But what options do you have when it comes to finding a coworking space in Germany? And which one is right for you? We’re here to help you find out!

Traditional Office Space vs Coworking Spaces

  • Coworking spaces are all about community. They offer flexible working conditions, allowing you to rent a desk or office space for a day, week or month. You can also rent virtual office space if you don’t need an actual physical office space but would like a more professional address than your home address. Coworking spaces often offer additional services such as meeting rooms, events and networking opportunities that traditional offices don’t have time for. Coworking spaces are usually open 24/7 with Wi-Fi access and sometimes offer coffee breaks and other perks that make working from home less appealing.
  • Traditional offices have traditionally been the best option for small businesses because they offer fixed costs such as rent and utilities, which are often more affordable than coworking spaces. However, coworking spaces are catching up with traditional offices by offering flexible leases and allowing members to pay per month instead of per year. Coworking spaces are also usually cheaper than traditional offices and can save small businesses thousands of dollars each year.

Top coworking spaces in Germany

Coworking spaces in Germany can be found all over the country. If you’re looking for an affordable office space, these are some of the best coworking spaces to consider.

Berlin is the most popular city for coworking in Germany. It has a great mix of startups, freelancers and digital nomads who want to work in a more vibrant environment.

Coworking spaces in Germany can be found all over the country.

If you’re looking for an affordable office space, these are some of the best coworking spaces to consider.

  1. Studiospace Berlin Mitte: Studiospace is one of Germany’s largest coworking spaces with over 700 members and flexible membership plans that start at €99 per month. They have two locations in Berlin: one in Mitte (located close to Alexanderplatz) and another one in Prenzlauer Berg (about 10 minutes from Mitte).
  2. Co-Founderslab Berlin Friedrichshain: Co-Founderslab has two locations in Berlin’s trendy Friedrichshain neighborhood — one on Warschauer Strasse and another one on Rosenthaler Strasse. Both locations offer private offices, meeting rooms, event space and more. The monthly membership fee ranges from €99 – €699 depending on your needs and location (there is also a free trial period).
  3. WeWork: This is one of the biggest coworking spaces in Berlin and it’s located right next to Alexanderplatz. It offers fully furnished office spaces with all amenities such as Wi-Fi, printers, meeting rooms and so on. There is also an outdoor terrace where you can relax during summer days or take your lunch.

Website where you can find coworking place:

Freelancer-Friendly Features to Look for in a Coworking Space

Workspace amenities

Here are some of the most important features that can make or break your experience:

When choosing a workspace, look for one with free Wi-Fi and plenty of power outlets. Also consider whether there’s enough space for your equipment and whether it will be safe from theft or damage. If you need to print documents often, find out if printers are available on site and how much they cost per page.

A receptionist or concierge service. Coworking spaces typically provide at least one receptionist who can answer questions and direct visitors to the appropriate person or room if they don’t know who they’re looking for. If someone needs help finding something specific in the building or another member’s workspace, this person will be able to point them in the right direction — and it’s nice for visitors not to have to bother anyone by calling out during their meeting or presentation just because they need directions!

A conference room or meeting space where people can hold virtual meetings with clients who aren’t in the same city as them. Coworking spaces often provide a conference room that can be booked by members so they can hold virtual meetings with clients and colleagues who aren’t in the same city as them. This is especially useful for freelancers or people who work remotely, since it allows them to meet with clients without traveling out of town every time there’s an issue or project that needs discussing.

Free coffee and other drinks: Coffee is a must-have for freelancers, but offering other beverages as well can help you stand out from the competition. Offer tea, water and soda in addition to coffee, and make sure they’re always stocked so that people don’t have to wait for them.

Free Wi-Fi: This should go without saying, but your members need reliable Wi-Fi in order to work productively. Make sure there’s more than one access point per floor with enough bandwidth to support all of your tenants’ devices at once without slowing down performance for anyone else on the network.

Comfortable seating areas: Coworkers need places where they can relax and recharge during their breaks away from their computers — whether it’s a couch or simply an empty table with some chairs around it. If possible, provide both types of seating so that everyone has options depending on their preferences.

But how do you know if a coworking space is right for you? Here are some questions to ask when shopping for the perfect shared office space:

  • Is there adequate seating for everyone? When you first walk into a coworking space, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of what’s going on around you. It’s important to take a step back and notice how many people are actually using each desk, table or sofa. If there aren’t enough seats for everyone who wants them, then it might not be a good fit.
  • Is there room for growth? If you’re starting a business with just yourself or two other employees, then this isn’t an issue. But if you plan on expanding in the future (and most businesses do), then look for flexibility in terms of space usage. You’ll need room for new desks and equipment as well as enough privacy so that employees aren’t distracted by their coworkers’ conversations throughout the day.
  • What support services does the space offer? Coworking spaces often offer administrative assistance such as payroll processing and accounting services which can be helpful for freelancers who don ‘t have the time or expertise to handle these tasks themselves. You may also find that coworking spaces offer other services such as meeting rooms, conference calls and even professional development workshops which can help you grow your business.

Community events and activities

A good coworking space will have community events and activities. This is as the “extra” in coworking. If a coworking space has a lot of these things, it’s a sign that they care about their members and want them to feel comfortable and supported.

Some examples of community events include:

  • Happy hours (or happy anythings) with food and drinks
  • Movie nights or other activities you can do at the space
  • Hosted workshops, classes or lectures on topics related to freelancing
  • Events where you can meet other freelancers locally, like conferences or meetups
  • Office hours: Many coworking spaces offer “office hours” during which members can meet with fellow members or staff members for advice on business issues. These sessions are usually scheduled around common times when most people are at the office — usually in the morning or early afternoon — so everyone has access to them.

Networking opportunities

In addition to providing a place to work, many coworking spaces host networking events and meetups where members can connect with one another. This type of interaction can help freelancers build their professional networks — something that is especially important when they are just starting out in their careers.

Coworking spaces are also social environments where you can network with other professionals and build valuable relationships through meetups and open events. Most coworking spaces host regular mixers and happy hours to help people make connections in their industry — these can be great places to learn new skills or recruit new employees! If you want to find out more about socializing opportunities at local coworking spaces, check out our article on how coworking spaces can change your life.

Location and accessibility

This is one of the most important factors when choosing a coworking space. You want to make sure that it’s located in an area that has plenty of restaurants and other amenities nearby. It should also be easily accessible by public transportation or car, so you don’t have to walk too far with your laptop bag or to worry about parking or driving yourself crazy trying to find a spot.

The location should also be accessible by bike, so you can ride there while working remotely.

Cost and payment options

The coworking space is a place where freelancers, independent contractors, and remote workers can gather to share ideas, collaborate, and build their businesses.

If you’re looking for a freelancer-friendly coworking space, here are some features to look for:

  • Cost. Coworking spaces come in all shapes and sizes: some are less formal than others and some have more amenities than others. The average cost of a monthly membership to a coworking space is $300-$600 per month, but this can vary depending on location and amenities offered by the space. If you’re freelancing full-time, it may be worth paying more for a prestigious address or for extra services like printing or meeting rooms. If you’re just starting out as a freelancer, however, it may be wise to save money by choosing an affordable space with fewer amenities until your business grows larger and more profitable.
  • Payment options. Freelancers often have unpredictable cash flow problems due to their irregular income streams, so it’s important that they be able to pay their dues on time without penalty fees or late fees if they receive their check late in the month. Some coworking spaces offer discounts if members pay their monthly dues with cash instead of credit cards so that they don’t incur any additional fees for using plastic (or even better offer a deal if members pay in advance for the month). Other spaces offer flexible payment plans that allow freelancers to pay a portion of their monthly dues upfront and make up the rest later. This is especially helpful if you have trouble saving money. Some coworking spaces require members to pay upfront for an entire year at once; others allow members to pay monthly or by the day without any cancellation fees if they need to leave early.
  • Security deposits and keycards/fobs for entry into the building or individual office areas are also common among coworking spaces, as well as refundable deposits on equipment such as fax machines or printers that are shared among members.
  • Flexible payment options. You may not be able to pay for an entire month in advance, so make sure that your coworking space offers flexible payment options. This could be as simple as paying per day or week instead of monthly.
  • Monthly billing. If you can pay monthly, this will help prevent any surprises at the end of each month when it comes time to settle up with your coworking space. If your income fluctuates from month to month — which is common among freelancers — then this is especially helpful since it allows you to pay only what you can afford at that time without worrying about late fees or other penalties if things don’t go according to plan.​

How to Choose the Right Coworking Space for Your Needs

Assess your needs and budget

Here are some tips that will help you find the best fit:

  1. Consider your budget and needs. This is the most important thing to consider, and it’s also the first step in your search. If you need a desk with a computer and internet access, then any coworking space will do. But if you’re looking for more than that — such as access to conference rooms or meeting rooms, printing services, storage lockers or even coffee and tea — then you may want to look at more expensive options.
  2. Determine what type of space fits your style and needs best. Before deciding which coworking space is best for you, it’s important to understand what you need from your space. This will help you determine whether a certain type of coworking space will fit your needs or if another kind of workspace might be better suited for your goals.
  3. Look at different options within your budget range and research them thoroughly before deciding on one that fits you best. There are many factors to consider when looking for a coworking space, including location, amenities and price range. In addition to these factors, you should also be sure that the space has everything you need before signing an agreement with them.
  4. Make sure you have access to common areas such as kitchens and conference rooms if this is important to you — these may be included in some packages but not others! If you don’t need them, don’t worry about it! You can always go elsewhere if needed later on down the road.
  5. You should also make sure the space has a professional atmosphere and is clean and well-maintained; it’s not just about having access to the internet or Wi-Fi! Finally, you should do a walkthrough of the space before approving your budget and signing your contract so that you know exactly what you’re getting into — this will help avoid any misunderstandings down the road!

Research and compare coworking spaces

A coworking space is a community of people who share office space, equipment and ideas.

Here’s how to choose the right coworking space for you:

Research and compare different coworking spaces in your area. You can do this by searching on Google or by visiting websites like Coworker and WeWork.

There are hundreds of coworking spaces, so start your search by looking at a map. This will help you see where the spaces are located and how far they are from each other. You may even find that there’s a space in your area, but you didn’t know it existed! Read through reviews of different coworking spaces to get an idea of what people say. Also, check out the websites of these coworking spaces to learn more about what they offer and how much they charge.

Schedule visits to coworking spaces

​If you’re looking for a new coworking space, it’s important to schedule visits to different locations before making a decision. This will give you an opportunity to see how each space fits your needs and make sure that you find the best possible match. Here are some tips for scheduling visits and getting the most out of your experience:

  • Schedule visits in advance. Coworking spaces are often very busy, so it’s best to schedule visits as far in advance as possible. If you can’t get in touch with someone from the space on short notice, consider calling back later or emailing instead.
  • Know what you’re looking for. Before visiting a coworking space, take some time to think about what kind of location would be best for you. Consider things like proximity to public transportation, parking availability, amenities such as conference rooms and conference calls, equipment like printers and scanners (if needed), office hours, security measures and more.
  • Ask questions during your visit. The best way to learn about a coworking space is by talking directly with members who work there or staff members who manage it — not just by taking a tour of the facilities! Ask about common issues that arise at each location; these can help point you in the right direction, as well as give you an idea of what to expect should you ever need to use the space for an immediate project.

​Make an informed decision

Choosing the right coworking space is an important decision. It’s a big commitment and it affects your business on many levels.
​You must have clear understanding on the below issues when choosing a coworking space: ​

  1. Is it a good fit for your current needs?
  2. What is the cost?
  3. Will they support you?
  4. Is there enough space for growth?


Recap of the benefits of coworking for freelancers in Germany

Coworking spaces are a great way for freelancers to save money and collaborate with other creatives. Coworking spaces are often less expensive than traditional office spaces, and they offer a flexible environment that can be adapted to meet your needs.

Here are some of the benefits of coworking for freelancers in Germany:

  1. Coworking spaces are more affordable than traditional offices.
  2. Coworking spaces offer a variety of options depending on your needs and budget.
  3. Coworking spaces help you network with other professionals in your industry and share ideas for collaboration or partnerships.
  4. Coworking spaces provide an alternative work environment where you can focus without distractions from home or office distractions like phone calls, emails, etc.

Encouragement for freelancers to consider coworking as an option

If you’re a freelancer, you might be wondering how coworking can benefit you.

Coworking is an ideal option if you’re looking for a space where you can come together with other people and collaborate on projects, share resources, and bounce ideas off of each other. While there are many benefits to working from home, there are also some disadvantages. Here are a few reasons why coworking may be right for you:

You need more professional networking opportunities. Coworkers get to know each other over time, which can lead to valuable connections and referrals.

You need access to resources that aren’t available at home or in your community. Coworking spaces often have printers, scanners, and meeting rooms that you wouldn’t have access to otherwise.

You want flexibility in your schedule without being tied down by a lease or mortgage payment on an office space that sits empty most of the time anyway (if you’re not using it).

Final thoughts on the future of coworking in Germany

In the last few years, coworking has grown into one of the most popular ways to work and a great solution for small businesses. In fact, we are already seeing many coworking spaces pop up in Germany.

In conclusion, creative coworking spaces are becoming increasingly popular among self-employed individuals, young entrepreneurs, and startup founders across Germany. These fully equipped workspaces offer a cozy and inviting atmosphere where creative minds can come together to collaborate, innovate and succeed. With locations in many German cities, coworking spaces provide a range of facilities, including lounge areas, workshop rooms, and much more, that cater to the needs of entrepreneurial ventures. Whether you’re a startup founder or a freelancer, a creative coworking space provides an ideal platform to work and network in a collaborative environment.

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